Same day appointments

Book Flu Vaccine
Call to schedule a vaccine appointment today at (503) 525-0090

Healthcare Centered On You
Call for an appointment today (503) 525-0090

Same Day Appointments
Call for an appointment today (503) 525-0090
Patient Forms
Does booking ahead of time not work for your schedule, or do you have an urgent issue that needs to be addressed sooner? Pearl Health Center’s ambulatory clinic allows patients to be seen same day and without an appointment!
Pearl Health Center has been recognized by the Oregon Health Authority as a Tier 4 PCPCH for our excellence in patient care.

The Pearl Health Center does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment, or on the basis of sex in its health programs and activities.
For further information about this policy, contact: Brittney Misho, Section 504 Coordinator, or